Monday July 19th was a big day. First we went to Michelle's house for a visit. She has love birds flying around her screened in patio and we took Sebastian out to listen. The birds started landing on our heads and singing very loudly. He thought this was the funniest thing and gave his first real big from the belly laughter. It was the best things I had ever seen! I immediately wanted to go out and buy love birds but luckily I refrained.
So next on the agenda for that day was Sebastian's second round of vaccines. We're doing the alternative method where fewer vaccines are given at once but that means we are going in for one (sometimes two) at a time each month as opposed to 5-6 all at one time. Later that night I realized he had a fever. I first tried a lukewarm bath, that didn't work; next I tried cool compresses on head and chest, that didn't work; finally I rushed out and bought infant Tylenol, that worked like a charm. So for about 3 days he took the Tylenol every 5-7 hours to keep the temp down (or else it would start to climb again) and he was in a very bad mood, understandably. Then it was all over and we were pretty much back to normal. Although he's now changed his sleeping-through-the-night pattern into waking up 2-3 times but I can deal with that.
Now in the second week in August he is laughing at all sorts of things and giving every new friend lots of smiles and giggles. It is really getting fun now. Oh! He also rolled over from tummy to back 3 times in a row the other day. Its all happening so fast!